
Monday, April 26, 2010

My New Family Member..cont'd!

Well, I've finally made up my mind as to what this white fluff will be labelled with...'Nantuc'...for some reason even after I was given some beautiful names from that Native American name site, I chose this one. About a year ago, I watch a dvd on Geronimo, and I heard this name , and thought it would be a good name for a wolf..guess it stuck in my head and so..that is her name now.. Nantuc !

She sure has come a long way rather fast, for she is bonding with me, ever chance that she can. I've been given kisses, have had my hands constantly chewed upon , not in an agressive fashion but in a playful manner. She has decided that when I go to sleep, her place is on Nikita's blanket next to my bed. This is great, exactly what I was hoping for..she also jumps up onto the my bed but only after we wake up, this is a reinsurance bonding time, where I pat her, kiss her on her snout and rub her belly.

Oh look..her ears are now standing up, sure didn't take as long as I expected..


Not only her ears but her height and weight as well.. instant growth in just 10 days.. be continued..

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