
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let's welcome aboard yet another Irish tier...

Wednesday 22nd.,2010

A new tier has been incorporated into my blog, he hails from Ireland, living in the south west of the Island. Welcome 'Seanie', I'm sure the ppl who visit my blog will appreciate your different tying style and different type of  Irish flies. He enjoys fishing for the large browns as well as the Atlantic Salmon, and Sea trout down in southern part of Ireland in certain trout 'lakes=Loughs' as they call them on the green isle, but please remember this..this is Ireland now and where the 'Blarney Stone' was made famous by those in the South, (this is where Seanie hails from) and where all those little green men came from.. Seanie lives quite away from Gbigtrout, who resides in the North, so his fishing is in these Loughs : Sheelin, Derg, Carragh, Mask, and Curren. 

..In Ireland, they have many distinct species of Browns as we here in North America have only two..the German brown being the most colourful, and the Scottish brown with all of it's dark markings. But as I said in Ireland , they have many, so I'll start with the one most ppl go after..

..they call it..'Dollaghan', Salmo trutta L., this brown trout is unique and found only in Northern Ireland. Unlike salmon, the dollaghan continues to feed when they enter the rivers to spawn, even though they are notoriously nocturnal. Similar to the sea-trout, the dollaghan usually become active from late evening right through the darkness.

Dollaghan comes from the Gaelic word..dulach..which means 'swift running'. These fish reside in Lough Neagh, the largest lake in the British Isles covering a vast 153 sq. miles=400 sq. km. Surprising to us here in North America, there are several species of brown trout in Ireland, including the one just described, there is in Lough Melvin as an example, three distinct species known loccally as: Gillaroo as Salmo stomachicus, Sonaghen as Salmo nigripinnis, and Ferox as Salmo ferox. These three types are genetically distinct, due to independent ancestry and natal homing to separate spawning areas. And so with all these different species of brown it is no wonder that there will be a big difference to the styles and types of flies that will be coming out of Ireland herself.

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