
Sunday, November 28, 2010

 ..Was getting pretty tired of opening up my blog to be faced with those two 'stockies' as I've been told from the boys over the pond, that I thought why not add this pic to my blog.. is just great to see my 'not so behaved but beautiful young Lady' that she is..just kidding by the way, for she does things to please me on a daily basis. Whether it is something not so grandeur, but very meaningful never the less. Such as coming out to see me when I'm on the computer, and giving me a very deep growl [which sometimes sends the hair on the back of my neck straight up to heaven], then bouncing backwards to catch my attention..a sign that it is her time to occupy my time not the computer! Or what about those special moments when she needs to go out and I'm enjoying one of rare moments called sleep. How she figured out that the 'loudest' bark I've ever heard, [only 6"] from my face would send me flying to the ceiling is beyond me..but damn it all, it sure works! However, one of her 'grandeur' moments made me gasp leaving me with just a broad smile on my face, when without me saying a word, she sat down. Huh? say..yes this happens now every time we come to a street either at a corner or out from a lane way, she automatically sits down. I think she has seen a few dogs around here doing just that and in her mind she believes this is the thing to do.

..And so , I present to you my not so little puppy any longer showing me what she likes to do just for the heck of it..


  1. A very nice post there Dan,...nice to read the bond getting stronger between you and Nantuc,...she sure is growing fast and learning quickly too.i wish you both well for the future.

