Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
..Was getting pretty tired of opening up my blog to be faced with those two 'stockies' as I've been told from the boys over the pond, that I thought why not add this pic to my blog..
..it is just great to see my 'not so behaved but beautiful young Lady' that she is..just kidding by the way, for she does things to please me on a daily basis. Whether it is something not so grandeur, but very meaningful never the less. Such as coming out to see me when I'm on the computer, and giving me a very deep growl [which sometimes sends the hair on the back of my neck straight up to heaven], then bouncing backwards to catch my attention..a sign that it is her time to occupy my time not the computer! Or what about those special moments when she needs to go out and I'm enjoying one of rare moments called sleep. How she figured out that the 'loudest' bark I've ever heard, [only 6"] from my face would send me flying to the ceiling is beyond me..but damn it all, it sure works! However, one of her 'grandeur' moments made me gasp leaving me with just a broad smile on my face, when without me saying a word, she sat down. Huh?..you say..yes this happens now every time we come to a street either at a corner or out from a lane way, she automatically sits down. I think she has seen a few dogs around here doing just that and in her mind she believes this is the thing to do.
..And so , I present to you my not so little puppy any longer showing me what she likes to do just for the heck of it..
..it is just great to see my 'not so behaved but beautiful young Lady' that she is..just kidding by the way, for she does things to please me on a daily basis. Whether it is something not so grandeur, but very meaningful never the less. Such as coming out to see me when I'm on the computer, and giving me a very deep growl [which sometimes sends the hair on the back of my neck straight up to heaven], then bouncing backwards to catch my attention..a sign that it is her time to occupy my time not the computer! Or what about those special moments when she needs to go out and I'm enjoying one of rare moments called sleep. How she figured out that the 'loudest' bark I've ever heard, [only 6"] from my face would send me flying to the ceiling is beyond me..but damn it all, it sure works! However, one of her 'grandeur' moments made me gasp leaving me with just a broad smile on my face, when without me saying a word, she sat down. Huh?..you say..yes this happens now every time we come to a street either at a corner or out from a lane way, she automatically sits down. I think she has seen a few dogs around here doing just that and in her mind she believes this is the thing to do.
..And so , I present to you my not so little puppy any longer showing me what she likes to do just for the heck of it..
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Another fly just arrived this morning...
..this time it came in from Scotland, Greenock made another super looking one..check out 'Fly Patterns'..
Monday, November 22, 2010
More interesting videos came my way
..I've added a few more videos to this section ,if you get a chance have a peek, you just might like them..till next time..Ciao,Ciao!
Two more Southern Irish Flies have arrived!
..as the title says, two more flies have arrived from Ireland, made by Seanie. These two are what is called the 'Peter' fly a very common, well used fly , however, Seanie adds his Southern flair to the ties with a not so common material. Please check out the 'Fly Patterns' section..
Friday, November 5, 2010
What will they think of Next...???
..it appears that in the need to give anglers a reason for returning to a certain lake that has been 'stocked', some futuristic biologist came up with a 'new' strain of rainbow trout. A trout that not only looks different than Oncorhynchus mykiss, but has it's own name now as a variant with 'Oncorhynchus mykiss walbaum', the "Blue Trout".
..I've supplied a Url, so that you may read about this new variant, which is a 'rave' in the UK at the moment, many of the fishers who have been lucky in catching this fish just rant and rave on it's quality of fighting as well as the taste of it's flesh. If you get a chance to fish for the 'blue trout', by all means please let me know your thoughts...
..I've supplied a Url, so that you may read about this new variant, which is a 'rave' in the UK at the moment, many of the fishers who have been lucky in catching this fish just rant and rave on it's quality of fighting as well as the taste of it's flesh. If you get a chance to fish for the 'blue trout', by all means please let me know your thoughts...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
New additions to two sections...Wolves and Nantuc..."Audio Clips"
..it has taken me a bit of time to introduce.."audio clips" into this blog. I'm not versed in 'HTML', however, with a bit of help from a good friend of mine from Denmark, I was able to finally succeed..
..here is hoping that what you will hear will thrill you as it does to me each time I hear them...
..here is hoping that what you will hear will thrill you as it does to me each time I hear them...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I changed and add a few things in my blog today...who is interested in looking?
Decided to add a few more 'pages' to this blog, and in doing so, I couldn't stop...
..why don't you all have a look on the left side of the main page and see if you can see the new ones...have fun ppl!
..why don't you all have a look on the left side of the main page and see if you can see the new ones...have fun ppl!
Friday, October 22, 2010
My personal Fly Ties...a New Added Section...
Today I was browsing in the internet and decided to check out a fellow fisher's blog..and this is what caught my interest, a super modern way of displaying my personally tied flies. And so...I do hope you all take a peek and get inspired as I had..
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Trouts of Western Canada...
There seems to be quite a few 'sub-species', 14 to be exact for the genus 'Oncorhynchus', the Salmon family, specifically the 'Cutthroat Trout'..'Oncorhynchus clarkii' and do to this, I'll only post one specie that is abundant here in the Southern area of Alberta Canada.
..So let's begin with the 'Cutthroat trout'..Oncorhynchus clarkii
These trout are native to the mountain and foothill streams of southern Alberta
..these specimens were caught/released this Sept.,past, by 'CF8'..an angler in one of my forums I belong to.
..next on line the 'Golden Trout'..Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita
is a sub-specie of the rainbow trout. In Alberta there are 5 high mountain lakes that were planted with pure strain goldens in the late 50s, and there have been several stockings since.
..next we draw our attention to the 'Brown Trout'..Salmo trutta
And here, in Alberta there are two distinct types of browns, both of which were introduced in the eighteen hundreds, where they have become one of the most sought after trouts in Alberta. The Bow River has been made as a world famous brown trout haven, where people from all over the globe have come to fish, giving them an average size of 20" plus.
..The most common brown is the 'Scottish brown'..
..however, the most colourful brown is the 'German brown'..
..next we'll introduce the 'Brook trout'..Salvelinus fontinalis..
is actually a 'Char', the common English name given to all members of the genus 'Salvelinus'..
..next will be the 'Bull trout'..Salvelinus confluentus..
Native to Alberta and is the official provincial fish, this specie is 'protected' with a zero possession limit..you must release all Bull trout you catch!
Bull Trout from Graham Styler on Vimeo.
..next I'll add the 'Dolly Varden' ..Salvelinus malma..
have given many anglers around the world an unforgettable fight in rivers above the polar circle. This queen of rivers is a fish for people who wants a gourmet meal.
..and now the 'Rainbow trout'..Oncorhynchus mykiss..
..there are six native sub-species of rainbow trout in the West and Pacific Ocean. The sub-species are distributed throughout the drainage system of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Mexico, and the eastern coast of Asia.
..now comes one of the most sought after trouts by all anglers, the 'Steelhead Trout..Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus..
Steelhead trout live both in the rivers [where they do their spawning] and part time in the ocean where they grow, before re-entering the rivers where they were born. The Steelie is noticeably different then the river rainbows in both size and colour. They are by far prized by anglers for their fighting nature when caught on a fishing line.
..So let's begin with the 'Cutthroat trout'..Oncorhynchus clarkii
These trout are native to the mountain and foothill streams of southern Alberta
..these specimens were caught/released this Sept.,past, by 'CF8'..an angler in one of my forums I belong to.
..next on line the 'Golden Trout'..Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita
is a sub-specie of the rainbow trout. In Alberta there are 5 high mountain lakes that were planted with pure strain goldens in the late 50s, and there have been several stockings since.
..next we draw our attention to the 'Brown Trout'..Salmo trutta
And here, in Alberta there are two distinct types of browns, both of which were introduced in the eighteen hundreds, where they have become one of the most sought after trouts in Alberta. The Bow River has been made as a world famous brown trout haven, where people from all over the globe have come to fish, giving them an average size of 20" plus.
..The most common brown is the 'Scottish brown'..
..however, the most colourful brown is the 'German brown'..
..next we'll introduce the 'Brook trout'..Salvelinus fontinalis..
is actually a 'Char', the common English name given to all members of the genus 'Salvelinus'..
..next will be the 'Bull trout'..Salvelinus confluentus..
Native to Alberta and is the official provincial fish, this specie is 'protected' with a zero possession limit..you must release all Bull trout you catch!
Bull Trout from Graham Styler on Vimeo.
..next I'll add the 'Dolly Varden' ..Salvelinus malma..
have given many anglers around the world an unforgettable fight in rivers above the polar circle. This queen of rivers is a fish for people who wants a gourmet meal.
..and now the 'Rainbow trout'..Oncorhynchus mykiss..
..there are six native sub-species of rainbow trout in the West and Pacific Ocean. The sub-species are distributed throughout the drainage system of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Mexico, and the eastern coast of Asia.
..now comes one of the most sought after trouts by all anglers, the 'Steelhead Trout..Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus..
Steelhead trout live both in the rivers [where they do their spawning] and part time in the ocean where they grow, before re-entering the rivers where they were born. The Steelie is noticeably different then the river rainbows in both size and colour. They are by far prized by anglers for their fighting nature when caught on a fishing line.
Arrival of More flies from Ireland..last two are in!
..I've just put up the last two flies that were sent in from southern Ireland by Seanie...........enjoy his style.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Arrival of More flies from Ireland..
Seanie (from southern Ireland), had sent me a few typical Irish flies, and I chose 4 flies to put up in the Fly Pattern section, two are up now and the other two are waiting for the material list to come....enjoy.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
3 New Flies just arrived.
..please check out the 3 New addition of over the pond flies, found in the 'Fly Pattern' section.
..and the New pics in the 'Wolf Section'..
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Salmon of the West Coast of Canada...
This is going to be rather interesting, because in the trouts , there are a tremendous amount of 'sub-species' , especially when it comes to the 'Cutthroat'...Oncorhynchus clarki, just to many for me to put up, however, I will put up the more common cuttie that is found in the southern sections of Alberta just to give you an idea on how beautiful this specie is. So let's get going on this yet another interesting topic..
..Let us begin with the Salmons of the Pacific Ocean, there are 5 major species, plus one of the most favorite 'trouts', mother nature can provide to the fishers of the world, but for now, we will continue with the Salmons..
The first is by far the largest Salmon of the Pacific, thus one of it's common names is suited for it.. 'The King Salmon' also known as it is getting to a special weight class..'The Chinook Salmon' , then once it reaches that 30lb plus class it has finally come to the name that is known in the west as..'The Tyee Salmon'..Oncorhynchus tshawytscha..
..A special group of fishers formed the 'Tyee Club of British Columbia' began in 1924, with a group of anglers who returned to the Campbell River each year in pursuit of the elusive Tyee - a coastal Indian word meaning, 'the Chief', a Chinook salmon , 30 pounds or larger. The First Nations people had fished for Tyee for unknown ages prior to the coming of the Europeans. They used several methods including spears and hand lines, from dugout canoes, as well as traps. They were adept at catching fish as well as being truly conservationist in practice. The first account of angling for Tyee appeared in 'The Field', published in London October1896. Sir Richard Musgrave and his partner, W.H.Gorden, took 19 Tyee in one week as well as several Coho and trout. His largest Tyee, taken September 20th 1896, weighed in at 70 pounds. For further information to this group of anglers please clink on the link provided.. http://www.tyeeclub.org/about.htm ..The largest Tyee ever landed in sport fishing was 93pounds, and was caught in the Kenai River in Alaska in 1986. The largest Tyee ever caught was taken in a fish trap in Alaska weighing in at 125 pounds, in 1946.
..The Female King Salmon :
..The Male King Salmon :
..The next Salmon is the 'Sockeye Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus nerka..
..This specie is commercially one of the most popular of all because of it's dark, rich, flavorful meat and is 3rd in population next to the Pink and Chum salmon.
..The Female Sockeye Salmon :
..The Male Sockeye Salmon :
..next will be the 'Chum Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus keta :
..Commercial fisheries in Alaska and Russia take more chum than any other fish. Their meat is primarily smoked, and they tend to be less oil than other species.
..The Female Chum Salmon :
..The Male Chum Salmon :
..next is the 'Coho Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus kisutch :
..One of the most popular fish species among North American anglers, their size is in part responsible; Coho average 38 inches and 11 pounds in weight, although many larger ones have been landed. Some of the largest have been 31 pounds and 114 inches in length.
..The Male and Female Coho Salmon :
..next is the 'Pink Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus gorbusha :
..Pink salmon are also known as 'humpbacked salmon', due to the bulge that appears on the male's back during spawning time. Pinks are now the most sought after fish in the commercial industry, especially in places like Alaska. In today's market the Pinks are bought from the commercial fishers for a mere 17 cents a pound. Yet as a consumer , the prices are high that we pay.
..this is in it's ocean colour :
..a Male and Female pair in spawning colours :
..Well I've covered the five Pacific Salmon that run our rivers here in British Columbia, during their spawning time, in the days that come I'll continue posting with our western trout..until then..
..Let us begin with the Salmons of the Pacific Ocean, there are 5 major species, plus one of the most favorite 'trouts', mother nature can provide to the fishers of the world, but for now, we will continue with the Salmons..
The first is by far the largest Salmon of the Pacific, thus one of it's common names is suited for it.. 'The King Salmon' also known as it is getting to a special weight class..'The Chinook Salmon' , then once it reaches that 30lb plus class it has finally come to the name that is known in the west as..'The Tyee Salmon'..Oncorhynchus tshawytscha..
..A special group of fishers formed the 'Tyee Club of British Columbia' began in 1924, with a group of anglers who returned to the Campbell River each year in pursuit of the elusive Tyee - a coastal Indian word meaning, 'the Chief', a Chinook salmon , 30 pounds or larger. The First Nations people had fished for Tyee for unknown ages prior to the coming of the Europeans. They used several methods including spears and hand lines, from dugout canoes, as well as traps. They were adept at catching fish as well as being truly conservationist in practice. The first account of angling for Tyee appeared in 'The Field', published in London October1896. Sir Richard Musgrave and his partner, W.H.Gorden, took 19 Tyee in one week as well as several Coho and trout. His largest Tyee, taken September 20th 1896, weighed in at 70 pounds. For further information to this group of anglers please clink on the link provided.. http://www.tyeeclub.org/about.htm ..The largest Tyee ever landed in sport fishing was 93pounds, and was caught in the Kenai River in Alaska in 1986. The largest Tyee ever caught was taken in a fish trap in Alaska weighing in at 125 pounds, in 1946.
..The Female King Salmon :
..The Male King Salmon :
..The next Salmon is the 'Sockeye Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus nerka..
..This specie is commercially one of the most popular of all because of it's dark, rich, flavorful meat and is 3rd in population next to the Pink and Chum salmon.
..The Female Sockeye Salmon :
..The Male Sockeye Salmon :
..next will be the 'Chum Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus keta :
..Commercial fisheries in Alaska and Russia take more chum than any other fish. Their meat is primarily smoked, and they tend to be less oil than other species.
..The Female Chum Salmon :
..The Male Chum Salmon :
..next is the 'Coho Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus kisutch :
..One of the most popular fish species among North American anglers, their size is in part responsible; Coho average 38 inches and 11 pounds in weight, although many larger ones have been landed. Some of the largest have been 31 pounds and 114 inches in length.
..The Male and Female Coho Salmon :
..next is the 'Pink Salmon' ..Oncorhynchus gorbusha :
..Pink salmon are also known as 'humpbacked salmon', due to the bulge that appears on the male's back during spawning time. Pinks are now the most sought after fish in the commercial industry, especially in places like Alaska. In today's market the Pinks are bought from the commercial fishers for a mere 17 cents a pound. Yet as a consumer , the prices are high that we pay.
..this is in it's ocean colour :
..a Male and Female pair in spawning colours :
..Well I've covered the five Pacific Salmon that run our rivers here in British Columbia, during their spawning time, in the days that come I'll continue posting with our western trout..until then..
Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Showing of the 'Browns' of Ireland.
Thought it would be of some interest to put up pics of the various specie of 'Browns' found in Ireland. As in my last post, I'll start off with the brown that most fishers would give their eye tooth for, for this brown has been know to get to 20 lbs. plus, and that is the..
..'Dollaghan'.. Salmo trutta L.,
..These are just two of the colour phases that this fish has in the various rivers that flow into Lough Neagh.
..the next fish and others are not in any order..
..this next fish is called..'Sonaghan'..Salmo nigripinnis
..these have been scientifically proven as being indigenous to Lough Melvin and are the main quarry for anglers on Lough Melvin. Late evening approximately half hour before dusk is particularly good, the month of June is when the fishing for this specie peaks.
..the next brown is called ..'Gillaroo'.. Salmo stomachicus
..A specie of trout which eats primarily snails. Gillaroo is derived from the Gailge or Irish for Red Fellow (Giolla Rua). This is do to the fishes distinctive colouring. It has bright buttery golden colour in it's flanks with bright crimson and vermilion spots.
..next brown I've saved for last because it has been noted to have lived 50,000 years ago and have survived over the ages, and it is called..'Ferox'.. Salmo ferox
..in about 10,000 years ago when the climatic conditions changed, cutting off their access to the sea, and forever changing their life history. Indeed in Ireland ferox can be found in many char lakes which traditionally held char in the past. Ferox canabalise (now known as Salmo ferox), which returned to many of the same lakes when geological processes and climatic conditions allowed and also prey on other fish species (in Lough Corrib ferox take large numbers of roach).
..there is but one other that I thought I should bring to light and that fish is called..'Croneen'..
..however, to site any of the write up on this certain unique fish would be a travesty to it , so please look in this site for the complete story of the Corneen trout... http://www.shannon-fishery-board.ie/catchment/croneen-story.htm
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Let's welcome aboard yet another Irish tier...
Wednesday 22nd.,2010
A new tier has been incorporated into my blog, he hails from Ireland, living in the south west of the Island. Welcome 'Seanie', I'm sure the ppl who visit my blog will appreciate your different tying style and different type of Irish flies. He enjoys fishing for the large browns as well as the Atlantic Salmon, and Sea trout down in southern part of Ireland in certain trout 'lakes=Loughs' as they call them on the green isle, but please remember this..this is Ireland now and where the 'Blarney Stone' was made famous by those in the South, (this is where Seanie hails from) and where all those little green men came from..
A new tier has been incorporated into my blog, he hails from Ireland, living in the south west of the Island. Welcome 'Seanie', I'm sure the ppl who visit my blog will appreciate your different tying style and different type of Irish flies. He enjoys fishing for the large browns as well as the Atlantic Salmon, and Sea trout down in southern part of Ireland in certain trout 'lakes=Loughs' as they call them on the green isle, but please remember this..this is Ireland now and where the 'Blarney Stone' was made famous by those in the South, (this is where Seanie hails from) and where all those little green men came from..
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday,19 th.,Sept.2010
Added a new fly in the Fly Pattern section this morning, had received this from the tier 'Gbigtrout' from North Ireland ..Ulster..to be exact, in Friday's mail, a rather interesting fly considering that the colours were obtained with an acid call 'Picric', this technic was first used in Ireland to create the colour Olive, and from that time till now the Irish have been using it to create that sought after colour.
Added a new fly in the Fly Pattern section this morning, had received this from the tier 'Gbigtrout' from North Ireland ..Ulster..to be exact, in Friday's mail, a rather interesting fly considering that the colours were obtained with an acid call 'Picric', this technic was first used in Ireland to create the colour Olive, and from that time till now the Irish have been using it to create that sought after colour.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Addition of New exciting Flies
Friday, September 10th. 2010..
..Have put up several new flies, in two places, one being in the 'Fly Pattern', the other under 'Products', which were made with my new Arctic Wolf's fur...that's right, Nantuc gave up some to try..the fur was sent over the pond to England, Ireland, Scotland, and now working on sending it over to Europe, in hopes a few will come from there.
..as far as here in Canada, I sent some over to a friend of mine on Vancouver Island, and in the process of sending some to a highly noted tier friend of mine in New Brunswick who ties classic flies..
..I do hope you all enjoy the new flies as well there will be updates to include the new ones as they come in............cheers!
..Have put up several new flies, in two places, one being in the 'Fly Pattern', the other under 'Products', which were made with my new Arctic Wolf's fur...that's right, Nantuc gave up some to try..the fur was sent over the pond to England, Ireland, Scotland, and now working on sending it over to Europe, in hopes a few will come from there.
..as far as here in Canada, I sent some over to a friend of mine on Vancouver Island, and in the process of sending some to a highly noted tier friend of mine in New Brunswick who ties classic flies..
..I do hope you all enjoy the new flies as well there will be updates to include the new ones as they come in............cheers!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Added some more Flys..
I added a few more flys this morning to the "Fly Patterns", but in this post I wanted to add a couple of pics that I took the other day. I just couldn't resist in putting them up, hope you find them interesting..
in these two pics, the first one shows the 'shuck' in it's natural colour..
whereas the next one shows it's size as well as having epoxy covering it..
Now these other three is how Nantuc greets her buddy 'Boston Benny'..my oldest son's boston terrier..
Hope you liked them..Oh by the way..Nantuc really likes the little guy and Benny doesn't take 'poop' from her at all
.. until next time..
.....................tight lines
in these two pics, the first one shows the 'shuck' in it's natural colour..
whereas the next one shows it's size as well as having epoxy covering it..
Now these other three is how Nantuc greets her buddy 'Boston Benny'..my oldest son's boston terrier..
Hope you liked them..Oh by the way..Nantuc really likes the little guy and Benny doesn't take 'poop' from her at all

.....................tight lines

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